Adapted by Michael Lluberes
Directed by Michael Matthews
The Blank Theatre Company
Los Angeles, CA
April 20-July 21, 2013
Traditional productions of Peter Pan have relied on huge casts, acres of elaborate scenery and complicated flying apparatus, but director Michael Matthews proves that’s all unnecessary in this production of Michael Lluberes’ revisionist adaptation.
……this charming production directed by the deft Michael Matthews, Lluberes has stripped off the well-intentioned Disney and Broadway varnishes to restore Barrie’s unique voice and his great subject, the horror of growing up, which is a version of the horror of death.
Michael Lluberes’ adaptation and Michael Matthews’ visionary direction are a perfect match.” I could not agree with him more.
The show was one of the most innovative and creative pieces of theater I have ever seen done in such a small space. You will believe that characters are flying without the use of mechanical devices, a crocodile is threatening and deadly without ever really seeing it, and that fairies and dreams are real as long as you believe in them.